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5月, 2019の投稿を表示しています

Professor Che Keiho

崔基鍋教授 (1/3) 1:30~ About the Joseon Dynasty 2:25~ About The Yangban (2/3) (3/3)

Koreans despise Trump

Korean news that President Trump said Prime Minister Abe "STOP" https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=286&v=uobhv2W-QxA The words "stop" are displayed. It is a video at that time. I made the volume maximum but I can not hear the voice saying "stop" It was a fake report. Even in the case of the attempted murder "Radar Radiation Incident" in which the patrol plane was irradiated with radar, many fake images and videos were used. Koreans are "Liars" We can detect a Korean lie easily. They don't think about "what kind of situation it will be" after a lie has found. Koreans are satisfied that they feel happy by getting a " mental victory " by damaging the Japanese  mental . Koreans repeat "words and acts of harassment" in order to earn "mental victory". In the spirit of the Japanese-Japanese, the words of the Emperor Showa, "by enduring the unendurable and suffering...

It would be nice if such people would become Korean leaders.

Koreans are discriminated against by Koreans in Korea. 7;20~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_U4DGkWDFPI After that, 4 comments of killing from Koreans who watched the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebbFpftgZK4 5:44~ comment Need to make Korea's image worse? Youtuber Are you out of your mind? If you really want to improve the Korean image, say the right thing like me. Reduce those who say such things. Koreans should not make the Japanese have a bad time who came to Korea. Only then will the image of Korea improve. 6:42~ If you bring up the story about history and protect for such discriminatory terms, I do not need such history. Now is most important. As long as there is such a discriminatory term, people who are sad will not disappear. Isn't it a meanness to use history to protect for discriminatory terms? Are you out of your mind? Many times, only this word comes out. You are out of your mind because you  bring up the ...

Honolulu police arrested eleven Sex Slaves.

  http://www.koreatimes.com/article/1244949 마사지 팔러 매춘 한인여성 등 11명 체포 2019-04-30 (화) 미 전역에서 한인 여성들이 원정 성매매 등 불법 매춘에 연루돼 연이어 적발되고 있는 가운데 하와이 호놀룰루에서도 마사지 업소에서 불법 성매매를 해온 한인 여성들이 다수 체포됐다.  스타 애드버타이저에 따르면 호놀룰루 경찰은 마사지 업소를 차려놓고 고객들을 상대로 불법 성매매를 해 온 여성 총 11명을 체포했으며 이들은 지난주 대배심에 의해 총 23건의 불법 매춘 등 혐의로 기소됐다. 체포된 여성들 중에는 권모(60)씨와 김모(53)씨, 임모(41)씨, 배모(66)씨 등 한인 여성들이 최소한 4명 포함돼 있다고 신문은 전했다. 호놀룰루 경찰은 연방 국토안보부와 연방 검찰 등 수사기관들과 합동으로 이 지역 불법 마사지 업소 등에 대한 대대적 수사를 벌여 불법 매춘에 가담해 온 용의자들을 적발하고 있다고 신문은 전했다.  < 구자빈  기자 > マッサージパーラー売春韓国人女性など11人逮捕 2019-04-30(火) 米全域で韓国人女性が遠征売春などの不法売春に関与して次々摘発されている中で、ハワイのホノルルでもマッサージ店で違法売春をしてきた韓国人女性が多数逮捕された。 スターアドバータイザーによると、ホノルル警察はマッサージ店を設けて顧客を相手に不法性売買をしてきた女性11人を逮捕し、これら先週大陪審によって全23件の不法売春などで起訴された。 逮捕された女性たちの中にはクォン某(60)氏とキム某(53)さん、イム(41)さん、ベモ(66)氏など韓国人女性が少なくとも4人含まれていると新聞は伝えた。 ホノルル警察は連邦国土安全保障省と連邦検察などの捜査機関と合同で、この地域の違法マッサージ店などの大規模捜査を行い、不法売春に加担してきた容疑者を摘発していると新聞は伝えた。  Honolulu police arrested eleven Sex Slaves. There was no industry in Korea during t...