The Korean gene seems to be close to the black grape primitive man, who lived in Devil's Gate cave. An international joint research team headed by the director of the Genomics Research Institute (UNIST) Genomic Research Institute (University of Life Science), Park Chung-hwa, announced on the 1st. "Deciphering the genome of 7,700-year-old human beings found in the 'Devil's Gate cave' in the Amur river basin, Russia, north of the Middle-Autumn border, Tumen River (Chinese name: Tumen River) did" The gene of the “Devil's Gate Caveman” is most similar to the Ulchi tribe living in the field, and it was found that Koreans are the closest among the modern people except for the nearby indigenous people. The results of this study were published in the international journal Science Advances. Park Chung-hwaのGenomics Research Institute(UNIST)、Genomic Research Institute (生命科学大学)の長が率いる国際共同研究チームが1日、発表した...